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Ian_yamaue 10-13-2004 11:39 AM

I saw in an Auto Show in my city. It was a Diablo SE30, I was about 15 years old and get stunned.

Evo 10-16-2004 04:31 PM

Never meet your childhood dream car or person :mrgreen: ..

I saw my very first lambo when I was 16.. A blue Diablo..

Darkel 10-16-2004 04:35 PM

I was about 7 years old and it was at the Geneva auto show but I saw the first on the road much later :|

Evo 10-17-2004 10:22 AM

I'm just curious for those of you who say that you saw a lambo when you were 5 years old... How are you able to know...? All I remember is chocolate... :lol:

ferrari550 10-17-2004 10:56 AM

The first lamborghini i saw was in London 5 years ago. It was night time and i was on a bus going to my hotel and i saw a white Diablo with red SV on the side. It was simply stunning, i will never forget it.

adamwich 10-17-2004 11:40 AM

I can't remember the date, but the first lambo i saw was a blue diablo SV!

SPEED_DEMON82 10-17-2004 01:31 PM

My first sighting was a of a Miura when i was 18 n had just got my drivers license here. was riding my bike n taking a turn on a bridge when a red coloured Miura passed me. Didnt know what it was then so rushed to my car crazy friend and decribed to him and asked him what it was. Damn it was so low. Was an amazing feel. Last year i saw a Countach at a Classic Car restores garage. I enter his garage door and the first thing i happen to see is the Countach all ready for a good paint job. Last i heard was that its all ready now. Recently came to know that a well known guy here who scares the hell out of the people on the roads here with his Ferrai 355 Spider and 360 Modena Spider just got himself a Mucirlago and another bought a Gallardo. Damn i cant wait to see them screaming down the streets here :D

MIHALS 10-21-2004 05:22 PM

because in my country is VERY difficult to see just Boxster or another "cheaper" sportscar, I've seen my first lambo 3 years ago in England. And it was a 30th Aniversary Lambo :twisted:

HeilSvenska 10-21-2004 11:06 PM

When I was 14 I saw Diablos at a local autoshow. But the first time I saw a Lamborghini on the road was when I was at Las Vegas in the same year...I think. I was walking along the Strip and I heard a loud rumble that sounded like no other. Of course being a Lamborghini fan, I knew exactly what i was hearing, a Diablo. But it wasn't any Diablo. It was a silver SV. The driver revved engine on purpose and the noise was simply...OrGAsMic. I was soooo happy. Even it left my sight, I could hear it for blocks. Sadly, my cousin who also loves Diablos didn't get to see it because he was lazy and took a cab instead of walking.

My love for Lamborghinis started when I was like 5 and saw the Cannonball Run 2. The colour changing Countach was just stunning. Ever since I've been a Lamborghini fan. But i still don't like the Murcielago and the Gallardo.

DUNKiNUTS 10-21-2004 11:43 PM

The first Lambo i saw was in grid lock in DC on the Beltway. It was a white Countach. only saw it for like 30 sec. but damn i loved it.

agllp 11-27-2004 05:21 PM

The first time which I saw a diablo, went, so that it travels to Florida, single to see one of these, I went to a store of car-rent and the owner said to me the diablo was gone for 15 minutes ago, and that was not going to have none in one week, but ,then, a miracle, listens to a wonderful sound, V12 6,0 that in backward movement come to me a one yellow diablo. it takes 125 photos him, was a little while unforgettable moment

TT 11-27-2004 07:59 PM

First time I saw a Lambo was in a travel to Italia that we did in High School in 1997. It was wonderful for me. I saw a black Countach at night and it was with its front lights up. The place where I enjoy this experience was in Montecatini, do you know this place? In general, there I saw very interesting cars, but The best, and the more impresive, the Countach. :mrgreen:

findleybeast 11-28-2004 06:44 PM

First Lambo I saw was in Providence, Rhode Island during a river festival. It was a white diablo and was stuck in a gridlock of people. Definitely the best thing that happened at the festival.

dodo 01-01-2005 09:37 AM

I saw my first when I was 16.
It was in the city centre of Frankfurt/Main in Germany: a darkblue Miura.
It had to stop at a red trafficlight in front of me... when it turned into green, he drove by. I had a camera in my backpack, but i was so amazed by that sound and I just forgot to take a picture.

There was another man standing next to me. We did not move until it was gone. It was my first and only Miura i saw so far... in public.

corvette97 01-02-2005 12:26 PM

in paris 2 years ago, with countach, 2 block away from the opera :)

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