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StanAE86 02-22-2006 07:33 PM was Dietrich driving...see the news clip:

I suspect, even with a big wing, once you catch air at 120mph, you're gonna have some white knuckle time coming up really fast...

Too bad about the Enzo, but great technology put to use in keeping the occupants alive...

I dig that Ebay auction...hillarious comments and questions to the seller...

SilviaEvo 02-22-2006 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni
i agree with RC about the bump, its too damn straight for something else happening....

if im not wrong this is the enzo tht crashed, the black one is for the wife...

so his wife now walks i presume? hahaha damn what a retard

nthfinity 02-22-2006 07:34 PM

RC, i would go one step further... ground effect is MUCH greater when the car is closer to the ground, and more flat paralelle to it... a stiffer suspension that is lower will yield much higher levels of d/f...

when cresting, your front d/f has to be greater then the net upforce created by the momentum of going up the hill... and i think we can accurately calculate how fast he was driving if we know a few things...
where the suspension was set to (ride hight)
the angle of the hill in question

with that, we can determine a minimum velocity required to lift...

well, also, we have the trajectories... but im less interested in that :lol:

RC45 02-22-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by StanAE86 was Dietrich driving...see the news clip:

I suspect, even with a big wing, once you catch air at 120mph, you're gonna have some white knuckle time coming up really fast...

Too bad about the Enzo, but great technology put to use in keeping the occupants alive...

I dig that Ebay auction...hillarious comments and questions to the seller...

Well - I don't know about air at 120... but I was caught out by some sand on the road last summer - a long stretch that tempted one to try the long legs of 4th gear, and my full throttle 4th to 5th shift unluckily happened at the moment I crossed the patch of dried dirt - the rear wheels spun up and Active Handling kicked in keeping us on the straight and narrow - that was white knuckle (and arse-puckering) good times ;)

But the key is that all 4 tyres are on the ground and Actice Handling has something to act on.. brakes can have an effect of stopping you fishtailing into an oversteer spinout - when you are really light and tyres are almost not touching, an Active Handling system doesn't have much to work with... at that moment you really need Active Aerodynamics.. ;)

tanelvali 02-23-2006 02:34 AM

thnx for a downloadable file. if anyone has some more media about this, please post.. :!:

novass 02-23-2006 02:43 AM

The owner of The Auto Gallery came into our shop yesterday and this was brought up. He said the guy has come into their place numerous times bragging about doing 140+ on the road. It wouldnt surprise me if there was a SLR there during some part of it, he just may have had some more brains than this guy. That area is notorious for people racing/driving fast and many rich folk live out there. Its a good area to spot supercars.

Toronto 02-23-2006 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by StanAE86 was Dietrich driving...see the news clip:

I suspect, even with a big wing, once you catch air at 120mph, you're gonna have some white knuckle time coming up really fast...

Too bad about the Enzo, but great technology put to use in keeping the occupants alive...

I dig that Ebay auction...hillarious comments and questions to the seller...

Dietrich isn't a real person, Die + rich

fsandys 02-23-2006 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by corvettekid
a piece of it is already for sale on e-bay. check out the comments at the bottom they're hilarious :lol:

I hope they don't just scrap it like any normal car! There are a million uses for the parts, and, with eBay as your tool, bet you could make a bit of the value back!!

nthfinity 02-23-2006 04:45 AM

well.... think about it this way

lets say erikson is able to claim insurance on his wreaked enzo... when they give him the check, every single piece of the wreaked car is now the insurance company's... which means any 'lost' pieces on ebay potentially become criminal if sold :roll: i doubt they'd go after people selling a 8" hose, tho :lol:

hamlet 02-23-2006 05:18 AM

Pretty tough acident but it seems that the safety shell played its role and it is always good to hear that the driver is OK. But sad to see another Enzo ruined... :puppydogeyes:

No.1 02-23-2006 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
This Erikson


24 Heures 2005 - Circuit : 13.65 km 

Ferrari 360 Modena GTC  N°92 Cirtek Motorsport
Drivers :
Joe Macari 
Stephan Eriksson 
Robert Wilson

Seems the car they raced is up for sale at Macari's in London for 320k Euros


This guy was also an exec at Nintendo rivals Gizmondo

But the company lost £140M last year after sales of only £1.4M, and have recently gone into liquidation :roll:

A bit of an all round dumb-fucker - especially for his story of the driver :bah:

5vz-fe 02-23-2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by hamlet
Pretty tough acident but it seems that the safety shell played its role and it is always good to hear that the driver is OK. But sad to see another Enzo ruined... :puppydogeyes:

If the impact is at the front portion of the car, I think you will think otherwise.

novass 02-24-2006 12:01 AM

Apparently after his company Gizmondo went under, this Enzo was reposessed LOL It wasnt even his when he crashed it LOL What a moron

nthfinity 02-24-2006 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by novass
Apparently after his company Gizmondo went under, this Enzo was reposessed LOL It wasnt even his when he crashed it LOL What a moron

that doesnt seem logical... a company can go bankrupt without causing its owner to owe anything himself... unless his contract states so... that sounds less likely to me

Hainz 02-24-2006 04:43 AM

I have posted new images in this topic

RC45 02-24-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Hainz
I have posted new images in this topic

Why not repost em here?

robruf 02-24-2006 02:23 PM

this guy sounds like a moron, he probably stole the compnay's money on lavish things such as Enzo's, businesses are going to become much more accountable for their executives spending, I even wonder if there was a 'Dietrich', more than likely not, all the police have to do is test his blood against the blood on the driver's airbag and voila, it will prove whether he is telling the truth or not.

No.1 02-24-2006 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by robruf
he probably stole the compnay's money on lavish things such as Enzo's, b

That's a bit of a swooping statement

Remember, that his salary and bonus is agreed upon by the members of the board in the company

I'm sure he was fairly wealthy before getting the job at Gizmondo :wink:

And the losses were on salaries of 28 (or was it 58?) staff and programmers. There was huge investment, but no return as nobody bought the product.

A moron - yes.

A thief - no.

RC45 02-24-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by thenumber1

Originally Posted by robruf
he probably stole the compnay's money on lavish things such as Enzo's, b

That's a bit of a swooping statement

Remember, that his salary and bonus is agreed upon by the members of the board in the company

I'm sure he was fairly wealthy before getting the job at Gizmondo :wink:

And the losses were on salaries of 28 (or was it 58?) staff and programmers. There was huge investment, but no return as nobody bought the product.

A moron - yes.

A thief - no.

A bit naive to think the isn't a conman of the highest degree and "obtained" money through fraudulent means.

It seems that dishonesty and controversy ave followed him everywhere.

I am betting the next thing that will surface is tax evasion in the countries he "made" that money.

No.1 02-24-2006 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
A bit naive to think the isn't a conman of the highest degree and "obtained" money through fraudulent means.

It seems that dishonesty and controversy ave followed him everywhere.

I am betting the next thing that will surface is tax evasion in the countries he "made" that money.

Sorry - indeed, the guy is a crook

He owed Halifax Bank Of Scotland (HBoS). They were the titled owners of the Enzo and have lost their £600k worth of car - i don't get why they didn't go after the cars sooner :roll:

He had the SLR and the Black & Red Enzos shipped to the USA before HBoS could reposses them for reasons in the article below

More shit on the faudster here :arrow:

fabro_s 02-24-2006 10:21 PM

Stolen Ferrari?


Smells like MAFIA

he7lius 02-25-2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by fabro_s
Stolen Ferrari?


Smells like MAFIA

Yes, part of the Swedish mafia in fact

"Malibu police are waiting to re-interview Stefan Eriksson, a member of the so-called "Swedish Mafia" who were at the helm of the hi-tech firm which it is claimed blew millions of pounds of investors' money on fast cars and pop stars, after his $1m Ferrari Enzo was written off during a high-speed road race."

And some extra Info about this episode,

nthfinity 02-25-2006 03:47 PM

it seems higher res photos are available now of the wreak here (same pics as before, but just bigger)

RC45 02-25-2006 05:03 PM

Seems all us pessimists that say the arseholes with the zillion dollar cars are all crooks and frauds have scored a bonus with this episode.. :P ;) hehehe

nthfinity 02-25-2006 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Seems all us pessimists that say the arseholes with the zillion dollar cars are all crooks and frauds have scored a bonus with this episode.. :P ;) hehehe

wasn't it you who said something to the nature of him being off somehow... since he's a race driver?? :P if he's a race driver, he couldnt possibly be a jerkoff :wink:

RC45 02-25-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity

Originally Posted by RC45
Seems all us pessimists that say the arseholes with the zillion dollar cars are all crooks and frauds have scored a bonus with this episode.. :P ;) hehehe

wasn't it you who said something to the nature of him being off somehow... since he's a race driver?? :P if he's a race driver, he couldnt possibly be a jerkoff :wink:

Well - seems he didn't turn out to be that good of an endurance driver right? ;) He never completed Le mans... hehe

luwalira 02-27-2006 04:00 PM

What's up with all of these super cars smashing into pieces.

bmagni 02-28-2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Seems all us pessimists that say the arseholes with the zillion dollar cars are all crooks and frauds have scored a bonus with this episode.. :P ;) hehehe

not so far from teh truth :P

more info:

McLaren4eVa 03-03-2006 11:02 AM

Shit thats bad im surprised the driver survived but thanks to all the new saftely legislations its can be done.

bmagni 03-03-2006 06:58 PM

more and more starts coming out

nthfinity 03-03-2006 08:05 PM

this crash could be made into one hell of a movie!

StanAE86 03-07-2006 02:47 AM


PCH Delivers Twists, Turns

POSTED: 6:15 pm PST March 2, 2006
UPDATED: 5:35 pm PST March 3, 2006

LOS ANGELES -- The plot continued to thicken Thursday in the mystery surrounding the crash of a $1 million Ferrari on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, a sheriff's sergeant said.

Images :

"It's like a James Bond story," said Sgt. Philip Brooks, of the Malibu/Lost Hills Station traffic detail. "But I just want to find out who was driving the Ferrari."

Brooks is heading up the investigation to find out if Stefan Eriksson, of Bel Air, was at the wheel of the red Ferrari Enzo when it crashed into a pole off Pacific Coast Highway on Feb. 21 at an estimated 160 mph.

The impact caused the car to split in half and nearly disintegrate, but Eriksson suffered relatively minor injuries.

A bloodied Eriksson was found in the passenger seat and told authorities that the driver was a German man named Dietrich who fled on foot into the Malibu hills.

"Yesterday, Eriksson came to the station with his attorney, David Eldon, and voluntarily provided a DNA sample taken with a mouth swab," Brooks said. "We want to see if his blood matches the blood in the Ferrari."

Results are expected for a few weeks.

The blood was found only on the driver's side of the car, not the passenger's side.

On the advice of his attorney, Eriksson did not make a statement Wednesday.

After the crash, Eriksson told deputies examining the wreckage that he had been a passenger in the Ferrari and there was a street race with a Mercedes.

Brooks said that Eriksson had told deputies of his friend Trevor, who was a passenger in the Mercedes.

"Based on the evidence, we don't believe there was a Mercedes or any race. There was a sole vehicle driving too fast on Pacific Coast Highway," Brooks said.

He has not been able to prove that Eriksson was the driver of that Ferrari.

But he said that "the plot thickened" as the investigation continued.

He said that Trevor -- he has a last name but is not releasing it -- said he was a friend of Eriksson and gave as his home address a boat slip in Marina del Rey.

The boat in that slip was a $14 million yacht, maybe the biggest in the harbor. And the name of the registered owner is Carl Freer.

Eriksson's name was linked by several European newspapers, including the Guardian of London, to Freer for their involvement in the collapse of a prominent video game company in Sweden in which investors lost millions of dollars. Eriksson was reportedly sentenced to a long prison sentence in that case.

Another unnerving development -- Trevor was at the scene of the accident on PCH and asked a good Samaritan to use his cell phone to report the crash, Brooks said.

"An hour later the good Samaritan found a magazine to a 40 mm Glock which had been stuffed under the car seat and reported it to us," Brooks said.

Brooks said the investigation also revealed that in September, Eriksson had brought two Ferrari Enzos into the country in San Diego -- one a red one and the other a black one. He also brought in a Mercedes SLR, a $600,000 vehicle.

Brooks said that the red Ferrari and the Mercedes have since been described as stolen, because the initial down payment on them was allegedly a fraudulent one through a company owned by Freer.

Federal authorities said Freer and Eriksson have connections to the Swedish mafia.

And then there's yet another wrinkle, Brooks said.

"At the scene of the accident, two associates of Eriksson showed up flashing badges from Homeland Security. Obviously, at the time the deputies were overwhelmed and didn't check out the badges. Eriksson also produced a business card describing himself as a deputy police commissioner with the San Gabriel Valley Transit," he said.

That entity is actually a privately owned security company, Brooks said. It consists of two vans used for paratransit working out of a garage across the street from the Monrovia Police Department.

The badges were apparently issued by the paratransit company, Brooks said.

Trevor told the deputies that Eriksson was part of the agency's anti-terrorism forces and that he was working on new facial recognition software for Homeland Security, Brooks said.

The sergeant said there was one additional piece of information.

The Ferrari company in Italy told Brooks it could fix the broken red Ferrari for a mere $200,000 to $300,000.

Many people had been upset at the destruction of the $1 million Ferrari, which is regarded as one of the finest cars ever made.

Brooks said that if it is determined that Eriksson was indeed the Ferrari driver, the most with which he could be charged is possibly misdemeanor DUI and reckless driving, along with providing false information to authorities.

RC45 03-07-2006 03:51 AM

More pictures...

FPVPSI 03-07-2006 05:13 AM


Hurts to look at em... :?

I doubt that 200, 300 thousand would be able to fix that, and even if it was fixable, knowing what the cars been through would be enough for me not to want it... :!:

jasc 03-07-2006 05:58 PM

I'm sure by "fix" they meant sell a new one at a discounted price.

StanAE86 03-07-2006 06:02 PM

Doubtful, since it's a limited edition run and they're all either accounted for or going for top dollar. I'd be curious to know exactly what they meant by "fix"....

bmagni 03-07-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by StanAE86
Doubtful, since it's a limited edition run and they're all either accounted for or going for top dollar. I'd be curious to know exactly what they meant by "fix"....

well a guy whose enzo got burnt, had a new one built...

StanAE86 03-07-2006 08:23 PM

A car fire versus the carnage I see in the pics is a night and day difference to me...but that's coming from me, who know nothing about how that Enzo is built. I assume that anchors that hold the car together have been ripped apart, and that under those conditions, the carbob fiber can't be repaired, but will need to be refabricated. Just that front cabin, I would assume to be something like $200,000 based upon the figures I've seen for a replacement monocoque for the CGT?

RC45 03-07-2006 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by StanAE86
Doubtful, since it's a limited edition run and they're all either accounted for or going for top dollar. I'd be curious to know exactly what they meant by "fix"....

well a guy whose enzo got burnt, had a new one built...

No - the story was the Houston Enzo that burnt out was just the first of 2 he had on order.

The second one was supposedly already on the ay when his son destroyed the first on in downtown Houston.

bmagni 03-07-2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by StanAE86
Doubtful, since it's a limited edition run and they're all either accounted for or going for top dollar. I'd be curious to know exactly what they meant by "fix"....

well a guy whose enzo got burnt, had a new one built...

No - the story was the Houston Enzo that burnt out was just the first of 2 he had on order.

The second one was supposedly already on the ay when his son destroyed the first on in downtown Houston.

So one burnt and one wrecked, isn't that 2/2 ???

RC45 03-07-2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by StanAE86
Doubtful, since it's a limited edition run and they're all either accounted for or going for top dollar. I'd be curious to know exactly what they meant by "fix"....

well a guy whose enzo got burnt, had a new one built...

No - the story was the Houston Enzo that burnt out was just the first of 2 he had on order.

The second one was supposedly already on the ay when his son destroyed the first on in downtown Houston.

So one burnt and one wrecked, isn't that 2/2 ???

No - 1/2 - his first Enzo was burnt out when his son wrecked it down here.

Chopperdan88 03-23-2006 11:00 PM

I AGREE WITH THAT! :P[/quote] :D

[quote="RC45"]So ... any takers on betting it was this bloke ;)

e46drew 03-23-2006 11:43 PM

:lol: :mrgreen: :fist: :splat: :spaz: :bs: :wanker: :clap:

bmagni 04-10-2006 10:20 AM


ZfrkS62 04-10-2006 11:23 AM


"It's unfortunate folks with more money than sense get into these things."
in other words it's unfortunate that most Ferrari's are on the road :wink:

StanAE86 04-11-2006 12:48 AM

Arrest was made and it looks like some immigration charges too:

numerouno 04-11-2006 06:43 AM

the sucker deserved it!

bmagni 05-02-2006 02:21 PM

more news:

numerouno 05-23-2006 05:48 AM

The Enzo topped 194 mph before crash!
The Enzo topped 194 mph before crash!

Last update:

nthfinity 01-22-2008 04:27 PM

Mega topic bump... but new information, Erikson is released!


Stefan Eriksson released from jail, awaiting expulsion

Posted Jan 22nd 2008 9:45AM by Darren Murph

Just as expected, the former Gizmundo Europe director is free at last -- well, almost. Barely a year after Stefan Eriksson was sentenced to "three years" in the slammer, he's now been let loose from behind bars and is currently "awaiting expulsion." Purportedly, everything was nearly in place to ship him back to Europe prior to Christmas, but apparently, the Swedish consulate has taken its sweet time in preparing a new passport. What's still unclear, however, is whether the Ferrari Swede will be flown back to Sweden or Germany, but if all goes to plan, we'll be liveblogging the whole ordeal as soon as that news breaks (we jest, we jest).

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