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dingo 03-01-2006 06:58 PM

My vote goes for komotar (not just because he voted for me), but I just love that background which is so typically Italian (at least in my eyes). The car is posing correctly too with the front wheels turned. :good:

Some other very nice pics too, but a couple lost out due to what is in the background (people) - which obviously can't always be helped but does "hurt" the pic a little. :(

TNT 03-01-2006 08:42 PM

all great pics but dodo just made my mouth drop. that is a near perfect picture with a near perfect car in it. AWESOME SHOT!!!!!!! :good:

DeMoN 03-01-2006 08:51 PM

that black enzo is too nice.

TT 03-01-2006 08:53 PM

I'd like also to thank all the members that take the time to actually post a couple of words to explain their vote. It makes for some interesting read and will help all of us improving our pictures I hope :good:

MIHALS 03-01-2006 09:44 PM

dani - ibiza - I can imagine this picture as a wallpaper, or a poster, but there's some better ones in this competition - sorry
karcs - gulwing - too bad the car is overexposed, deifferent angle would suite more :bah:
TT - Coxster - if I liked this car, I would put this pic straight to my desktop - car in the right, icons on the left :lol: anyway - briliant picture with no needed reflections - just stunning!!! the best qualitty pic here!!!
dingo - 355 - beautiful car (most beautiful ferrari) with stunning background. but when taking pics, the watter should ALWAYS be flat, it shouldn't be running out of picture and that ruins my point of view on this pic a lot :( - sorry
eurocopter - another Coxster - here is too much reflections, I hate car with reg. plate, so some erasing wouldn't hurt :wink: and the "swing" is too much!
raphaelws - well, dealership...
moritzer - SLR - :love: :drool: no words needed... oh actually yes. HEEEY you in the back! get off! :bah:
irrational_i - maybe rare sight, but picture didn't smash me into my eyes enough...
sentra - GT - rare to see such car on the green, but the pic was taken too close to the car :?
mihals - Stingray - no comment... I didn't expect anything this month. the car is rare as hell here, but it's still just a street sight - thanks TT for putting me in the list anyway! (makes me happy to be here :D )
smylait - birdcage - as dani said - the flash is too close to your camera, so it takes more attention, than the car... still super-rare picture - congrats!
hamlet - speedster - that weather sucks :x - such a shame...
wutt - enzos - wow, great sight, I would want to be there at the moment! but as a picture... too many ppl :bah:
dutch - supra - car is too dark, maybe a shot from the other side of the road would be better...
salegosse - Mighty Zonda F - :drool: as mantioned, that Lex next to it ruins the picture totally :( and the swing is too much aswell
sportlover - fiero - different angle would be much better... and the grey sky doesn't fit any picture :bah:
dodo - modena - such a valentine's picture :lol: beautiful, simple, stunning :)
speedracer - exige - just a road sight... could be nice picture when stationary...
komotar - f430 - I so bloody envy you!!! yes, your picture deserves to be on the frontpage :wink:
nthfinity - alfa - overexposed, step or two to the left could do te picture looking better :wink:

alright, that's just my opinion, my vote and if somebody has something against my opinion, it's his problem :prr: I'm trying to look at the pics more from the photographers side

RC45 03-01-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by MIHALS
irrational_i - maybe rare sight, but picture didn't smash me into my eyes enough...

The unstaged composition of the image is actually what made that garage shot be the only one that "smash me in the eye".. ;)

This just shows how subjective visual composition is :)

MIHALS 03-01-2006 10:41 PM

that's your opinion RC :wink:

RC45 03-01-2006 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by MIHALS
that's your opinion RC :wink:

Exactly - showing how subjective visual composition is :P

MIHALS 03-01-2006 10:51 PM

oh, now I understand :hmm: the previous post wasn't exactly eplaining it enough


RC45 03-01-2006 11:08 PM


antonioledesma 03-01-2006 11:17 PM

I'm starting to hate you.... it gets harder to choose one pic :|
again I'm thinking that I'll vote until the end of the month to decide from my top 3...hmm, no, top 5..hhmm, no... top 7? :P

RAMMIUS 03-02-2006 04:13 AM

Voted for komotar , i think it`s a very beautiful pic : the location , the angle of the shoot , not to mention the car

MidEngine4Life 03-02-2006 05:00 AM

dodo got my vote. love the composition

Zot09 03-02-2006 05:09 AM

Smylait gets my vote, but Wutputt was close.

dingo 03-02-2006 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by dani_d_mas
....Dingo's pic was also pretty nice, but you were too close to the car when you took the pic... some metres behind combined with the zoom would have won easily, at least for me :bah: ....

wasn't possible unfortunately, other cars parked and a small garden in the way. :(


Originally Posted by MIHALS

dingo - 355 - beautiful car (most beautiful ferrari) with stunning background. but when taking pics, the watter should ALWAYS be flat, it shouldn't be running out of picture and that ruins my point of view on this pic a lot :( - sorry

Not sure how you mean that, the water looks flat to me - it runs straight across the frame. :?

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