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TT 07-30-2003 01:50 PM

ok, I see :)

Obviously I know about the situation mainly thanks to evo...

I hope things will change for you ober there, if not, you'll have to move to the Isle of Man :D

novass 07-30-2003 02:43 PM

i still cant believe they would do something like that. its not like the govt didnt know they were gonna be there, and after all its a fuckin RACE! the whole meaning of the term signifies speed, wtf were they expecting? its not like their gonna come on the road and immediately slow down, take off the helmet, put the top down and cruise for the rest of the stage.

we have had some issues with road cameras too. a few cities were fuckin with the lights makin it catch people running reds when they really werent. its bullshit. fuckin big brother bullshit. driving is not a right its a privilege, gimme a fuckin break. i cant wait till im taxed for breathing.

alright im done bitchin....for now at least LOL

Jabba 07-30-2003 02:48 PM

our government considers all motorists to be criminals....they would also like to make owning a car a crime also....and yet we are the people putting the most into the economy....its totally and completley unfair...if I could... I would leave tommorow...

gis 07-30-2003 04:32 PM

id do the same as u jabba if i could,i can see another speed camera goin up near me very soon,this mornin at 7:15 am i just read in the news paper,there was a head on crash in a 40 zone,a 20 year old overtaking a toyota celica in an old vauxhaul astra and head on crash.

its people like him who make the UK a bad place to enjoy our cars

Ziploc 07-30-2003 05:44 PM

they are to obey the law when travelling from stage to stage on public laqw wnforced roads

i read the article to

got it on my palm pilot 8)

stracing 07-30-2003 08:57 PM

speed cameras are a hot topic in sydney as well. they're all revenue raising schemes. they get them wrong too. a lady was clocked doing 160kmh in her datsun 120y!!! later it was tested that top speed was 140kmh but it was a surprise it even wen that fast

why can't your bitish transport ministers stop doing stuff like this. we are completely copying their stupid ideas. our transport ministers are trying to bring in a toll just entering the city

troskap 07-31-2003 11:00 PM

Well, that photo does look like a bit of a photoshop hack. It wouldn't be the first time, or the last time...sort of reminds me of that brouhaha that came up after the Kentucky Derby here in the US when someone apparently used the 'Burn' function on Photoshop to make it look like the jockey was carrying something extra on the inside of his hand.

Here in my part of the US, all the rage hasn't been about speed cameras, but mainly red-light cameras (though knowing the money grubbing politicians around here, the speed cameras are probably on the way.....). Ostenibly, it's caught quite a few red light busters, a few of them quite flagrant in violation. Or at least, so it would appear. Unfortunately, there's been a lot of shady play involved with the authorities doing things like shortening yellow lights to make the cameras more 'productive', like novass mentioned. It's just a bit annoying. Naturally, I've been fortunate to be able to avoid most of the damn things by taking country backroads, but who knows how long that will last....

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