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RC45 07-06-2008 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 839350)
Believe what you want but personally Id rather listen to the words the come out of the persons mouth rather than some stupid gossipers that should be doing better things with their time and money.

What's to believe - the star wanted more, and the rest of the cast might be unsatisfied with their pisspoor paycheques - how is that so unbelievable?


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 839350)
Brad and Angie are splitting up! Miley Cyrus is pregnant OMG! Seriously....get a life.

One hopes you are suggesting the gossip papers get a life and not those of us with an opposing view to yours ;)

Kinxy 07-06-2008 06:09 AM

Hammond and May should get compensations, absolutetly, but nowhere near Clarksson. He is the "Michael Jordan" of Top Gear. You can't pay everyone the same. There's a reason he makes the money he makes.

Shilder 07-06-2008 06:31 AM

Fucking bad news, i like those guys !

torrentjunkie 07-06-2008 06:33 AM's always about the money

fordgt84 07-06-2008 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by bluedemon (Post 839321)
while I can understand wanting more money, Clarkson shouldn't be held responsible for the BBC and their negotiating abilities. I bet that this was just a story blown out of proportion because they haven't signed new contracts so the media decided to add something to it. May and Hammond don't want to commit career sucide quite yet.



Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 839324)
Agreed. We've heard crazy rumors before that never happened. I feel this is more of the same stupid gossip. James' statement says it all.



Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life (Post 839350)
Believe what you want but personally Id rather listen to the words the come out of the persons mouth rather than some stupid gossipers that should be doing better things with their time and money.

Brad and Angie are splitting up! Miley Cyrus is pregnant OMG! Seriously....get a life.

my feelings exactly, tabloids seriously get on my nerves

torrentjunkie 07-06-2008 06:47 AM


I should be writing about this week's show, but if you'll excuse me I have to take a moment to say a few words about the stuff in the papers, which basically states Richard and James are leaving unless they get a million pounds a minute, and that Jeremy is already on four million pounds a minute and also trousers 98 percent of all the profits from Top Gear, Dr Who, Strictly Come Dancing, The Tweenies and Big Brother. I think from all the pieces I've read, the Gold medal for talking made up bollocks goes to the Mail, the Independent gets silver, and the rest can split the bronze.
Just for the record, Richard and James's contracts are up soon - no big deal, contracts do end - and their agents are negotiating new ones.
They want an amount, the BBC wants to pay a different amount - again, no surprises there, that's how business works every minute of every day - and there'll be horse trading until a number is reached.
But let me also say Richard and James have never ever ever asked to be on equal pay to Jeremy. They are the first to admit that he came up with the new show, and that he does nothing but this show and is the engine room of it, whereas they, quite understandably, like to do other projects as well as Top Gear, and therefore the pay should reflect that.
Secondly, all this stuff about Jeremy being on so much money that the bank manager at his local branch has had to reinforce the floor - it's bollocks.
Real bollocks.
Just look at the show for God's sake - it looks expensive because every penny we can put on screen goes on screen - the best cameramen, soundmen and editors, quality directors, grading equipment, locations, stunts, editing time - that's where the money goes.
If Jeremy was taking home six billion pounds a second - it may have gone up, I'll have to check the Daily Mail - we'd be filming a Scalextric track on the living room carpet.
Don't get me wrong, they're all in telly and they get good money when you look at the country as a whole, but there's no stupid avarice and greed going on here, and the stuff in the papers comes, frankly, out of their arses.
I'm British, and I loathe talking about other peoples' salaries, but it pisses me off that people who like Top Gear will read this crap and then think they're actually watching three cynical money machines in action.
Jeremy, Richard and James are mates, they bicker, and they all know Top Gear is the best job in the world.
I 'm reminded of this when we record the show on a Wednesday, and they sit in their crappy room in our crappy Portakabin (yes the one you saw on the trails really is our office) and rehearse the script together, and you get all the same cocking about and laughter you see on the show.
Then they read the papers about them all leaving and demanding millions, and then take the piss out of each other some more - how Jeremy would buy gold electric gates with a supercharger on them, how James would acquire a fleet of dangerous pre war planes so he can kill himself differently every week, and how country boy Hammond would fill his yard with more crap cars he'll never get round to restoring.
Old bangers brings me finally and neatly onto this week's show. I think our first two from this run have been solid but not classics, but, and I hope I'm not sounding boastful here, Sunday's show is back right up there.
The Bentley power test is a thing of beauty - stunning work from the camera boys, the Director and the Editors - and then there's the Alfa challenge.
We've always said on TG that you can't be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa, so this week the boys are given a grand each, sent off to buy a car of their choosing, and then the adventures unfold.
Why do I think it's one of our best?
Well, the focus is bang on - basically the love you can have for a car, especially a shit, charismatic one that provides so many mishaps and laughs, and I also think it shows the three boys at their best.
Part 2 in particular is vintage Clarkson Hammond and May.
Let's not forget that at the heart of this show lies the chemistry between the chaps, and the best script in the world can't engineer the laughter and quarrels that spew forth.
Right, I'm off to get the papers. I might find out that Joan Armatrading is taking over from Richard.

^^Should offer some peace of mind:-)

fordgt84 07-06-2008 06:58 AM

^ well there you go :-)

essjay 07-06-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by torrentjunkie (Post 839376)

^^Should offer some peace of mind:-)

Good news. Thanks for that clearup.

MidEngine4Life 07-06-2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 839358)
One hopes you are suggesting the gossip papers get a life and not those of us with an opposing view to yours ;)

Of course ;)

dignews 07-08-2008 03:49 PM

Im sure they will re-sign, well i god damn hope they do otherwise the best show on TV will be ruined :(

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