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novass 02-05-2007 04:48 PM

Thats pretty damn cold 666! I thought is was bad here when I had to change from shorts to long pants :lol: Ahhhh, I love California.

Skaala 02-05-2007 05:39 PM

-35C makes for damn good snow for snowboarding :D

novass 02-05-2007 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Skaala
-35C makes for damn good snow for snowboarding :D

My only dislike of living in Southern California is very little snow. I havent even gone boarding once this season :cry:

Skaala 02-05-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by novass

Originally Posted by Skaala
-35C makes for damn good snow for snowboarding :D

My only dislike of living in Southern California is very little snow. I havent even gone boarding once this season :cry:

I'm leaving for Austria on the 23rd. 1500kms of Autobahn fun awaits :D

666fast 02-05-2007 07:45 PM

Re: Usually, I like winter

Originally Posted by mrmojo77

Originally Posted by gigdy

Originally Posted by 666fast
For you goobers that aren't cool enough to use the Fahrenheit system, -35F is -37C.

umm? wanna go thru that again.

Its -1 here or about -33C

-1°F is -18°C

-37°C is already very cold temp. No hope for driving a diesel engined car in that weather :D Do you use a some sort of preheater for your car 666fast?

I do have a block heater, what good it'll do I don't know, I've never used it.


-35C makes for damn good snow for snowboarding
Not in my opinion, in weather like this, it literally only takes a few minutes to get frost bitten. Been there and done that, sucks a lot. BTW, the coldest I've ever snowboarded in was -50F. Take one run, head in to warm up, go out for another run, go warm up. It isn't worth it.
That and there is no wax suitable for those temps, so your board will be super slow.


My only dislike of living in Southern California is very little snow. I havent even gone boarding once this season
It isn't much better here man, despite our recent weather, we've had very little snow. I've only been out a few times and it wasn't that great. Good thing I bought a ton of new gear right? I think we've had maybe 10" of snow this entire winter.

My car did start up today, but not very nicely. It fired but didn't want to run properly, the revs started bouncing back and forth between 700 and 1500rpm. It didn't settle down untill I held the gas a bit. Other than that I had no problems.
We did have some trouble at work today though, two trucks had to be jumped and one had the locks freeze.
A guy at work had his door latch break, so the door wouldn't close. He tied it shut! :lol:
Another guy had to get a jump before coming in and another left work with a new starter today.

Also, we sold 53 starters today, mainly Honda starters. We also sold a lot of batteries and a handfull of alternators.

Fun day, and it looks like it'll be even colder tonight!!

Max Power 02-05-2007 07:55 PM

Re: Usually, I like winter

Originally Posted by 666fast
[Not in my opinion, in weather like this, it literally only takes a few minutes to get frost bitten. Been there and done that, sucks a lot. BTW, the coldest I've ever snowboarded in was -50F. Take one run, head in to warm up, go out for another run, go warm up. It isn't worth it.
That and there is no wax suitable for those temps, so your board will be super slow.

i don't know about boards...but the few times i've gone skiing in 15-20 (C) below, the runs were pretty much ice, and going straight down was just suicidal...

Skaala 02-05-2007 09:10 PM

^^ I didn't mean to snowboard "in" -35C, but the snow falling at that temp makes good powder. In Söll one year, it was close to -35C during the nights, snowing, and during the day, it was a sunny and nice -14C. It was great :D

ViperASR 02-05-2007 09:40 PM

sorry guys, but F the cold, i like the heat, the beach, and the surf 0X

666fast 02-06-2007 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Skaala
^^ I didn't mean to snowboard "in" -35C, but the snow falling at that temp makes good powder. In Söll one year, it was close to -35C during the nights, snowing, and during the day, it was a sunny and nice -14C. It was great :D

I understand what you mean now. Yes, super cold temps makes very soft, dry snow. The deeper it gets the more fun and dangerous. Although, we don't have many avalanches in Minnesota!

Mrmojo, I've got the block heater plugged in tonight. I'll see if it makes a difference tomorrow morning.

TNT 02-06-2007 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by mrmojo77

Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by Skaala
^^ I didn't mean to snowboard "in" -35C, but the snow falling at that temp makes good powder. In Söll one year, it was close to -35C during the nights, snowing, and during the day, it was a sunny and nice -14C. It was great :D

I understand what you mean now. Yes, super cold temps makes very soft, dry snow. The deeper it gets the more fun and dangerous. Although, we don't have many avalanches in Minnesota!

Mrmojo, I've got the block heater plugged in tonight. I'll see if it makes a difference tomorrow morning.

I preheated the car also this morning, but I was mercyfull for the car still and came to work with a bike. :D It's -23°C in here now, for the coming night they have promised -27°C. I think it's good time to make ice lanters in a bucket.

yeah my truck is parked outside when i goto school and with the wind and zero degree temps it sometimes has a tough time starting but it always pulls through :P but even in the warmer month i always let my engine run for like a minute or two (longer in the winter, like 5-10 min.) just to get some oil moving around.

666fast 02-06-2007 08:02 PM

Had no problems starting the car this morning, and the block heater had become unplugged! LOL

Only problem was the snow, we only got a few inches but it made a mess. Combined witht he icy roads, it took me 40 minutes to drive 6 miles to work. :roll:

Stoopie 02-07-2007 02:42 AM

We had a little bit of snow yesterday over here! :D Only bad thing was, again it melted right away :( Argh I need my daily basis of snow in winter!

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