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nthfinity 11-14-2011 09:47 PM

RC45 11-15-2011 10:58 AM

You already know my opinion... ;) hehe

nthfinity 11-15-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 878738)
You already know my opinion... ;) hehe

Yeah, but I can't say I agree with you on the C6 ZR1's looks at all. Good from some angles, but it doesn't hit the spot for me. Edge styling on the Cadillac's works; but not on a Vette so well.

I just had a funny thought... how about a split window FRC LMAO!

Minacious 11-15-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity (Post 878739)

I just had a funny thought... how about a split window FRC LMAO!


Vansquish 11-15-2011 03:42 PM

I'm not appears to have lost quite a bit of "Corvette-ness", and is becoming a bit more of a sort of generic super/sports car.

nthfinity 11-15-2011 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Vansquish (Post 878742)
I'm not appears to have lost quite a bit of "Corvette-ness", and is becoming a bit more of a sort of generic super/sports car.

without saying too much; the Corvette engineers put a huge target on Nissan in very specific goals. The GTR, as much as I am not a fan of it, was simply huge to the Corvette guy's at the General. Aerodynamics is a big part of that.

I'm also going to say that Jalopnik's release was no accident. Especially when looking at the Media embargo of the 2013 GT500 specs ending last night at midnight.

RC45 11-15-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity (Post 878743)
without saying too much; the Corvette engineers put a huge target on Nissan in very specific goals. The GTR, as much as I am not a fan of it, was simply huge to the Corvette guy's at the General. Aerodynamics is a big part of that.

I'm also going to say that Jalopnik's release was no accident. Especially when looking at the Media embargo of the 2013 GT500 specs ending last night at midnight.

And that was stupid.

Corvette shoppers where not cross-shopping to the GT-R, they where and are cross shopping to the Porsche turbo.

Corvette's bread and butter is repeat traditionalist buyers - if they alienate that group the brand will suffer huge sales losses.

Porsche have kept the 911 recipe the same for a reason, it is the recipe that makes money - and no matter what anyone thinks, the moment Corvette as a brand stops making money is the moment it it gone.

Styling the Corvette to look like a 4 seat Nissan does nothing but cause confusion amongs the masses - and the masses are the ones that spend money on the Corvette.


Originally Posted by Vansquish (Post 878742)
I'm not appears to have lost quite a bit of "Corvette-ness", and is becoming a bit more of a sort of generic super/sports car.

Much like the C4 - and history is showing us that the C4 tried so hard to be the 'Euro Vette' is sort of lost direction for a while.

Hopefully the C7 is not going to be a similar bland car.

nthfinity 11-16-2011 12:18 PM

When the new guy in town makes a similarly priced car in the same segment that does everything you are supposed to do, but better; it's no surprise. But in general, I agree with you.

There are some things the C7 needs to do better, and one of them is manage airflow over the car/under the car/ and through the engine better, raise the interior quality level, avoid any voiding warranty issues with the forthcoming AT, do away with Transverse leafsprings. While they have worked great, I'd just rep em out :)

RC45 11-16-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity (Post 878751)
When the new guy in town makes a similarly priced car in the same segment that does everything you are supposed to do, but better; it's no surprise. But in general, I agree with you.

There are some things the C7 needs to do better, and one of them is manage airflow over the car/under the car/ and through the engine better, raise the interior quality level, avoid any voiding warranty issues with the forthcoming AT, do away with Transverse leafsprings. While they have worked great, I'd just rep em out :)

Why make any of those changes?

None of them will net more sales or make the car perform any better in a day to day world - which is where most Corvettes live.

The reason the Corvette has been the single longest survivng performance car model in the history of the automotive world is because changes where not simply made for the sake of chanes.

The GT-R took no sales from Corvette, they coul dbarely meet internal sales quotas.

Changing the formula will dilute the Corvette brand and harm sales and profits.



nthfinity 11-16-2011 04:39 PM

The Jalop's are are stretching the truth, and knew it ;)

C7? No, more like Carvaggio


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 878777)
Why make any of those changes?

None of them will net more sales or make the car perform any better in a day to day world - which is where most Corvettes live.

The reason the Corvette has been the single longest survivng performance car model in the history of the automotive world is because changes where not simply made for the sake of chanes.

The GT-R took no sales from Corvette, they coul dbarely meet internal sales quotas.

Changing the formula will dilute the Corvette brand and harm sales and profits.




However, the best way to earn more profit, which is what we are all in it for... right? The best way is to enter new markets without sacrificing the old markets. IE worldwide sales. Ford is learning this. GM tried to do it with it's failing brands via badge engineering, and failed.

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